Lady with Cigar 2010

This is the best picture I could get of this image, it is acrylic paint and is fairly small, about A4 in size. It started out as a tester for a large portrait I was working on at the time but I became intrigued by how much you could know about a person from a small section of their face. I also love the way the image just fades away into the background. Below is a biro drawing out of my sketchbook, just familiarising myself with the shape and expression of her face.

Final painting

Biro sketch

The final image turned out to have the exact effect I had desired. I wanted to create a symbolic image of my time in Cuba, in an attempt to sum up the people, the sun, the culture and the way of life. Every time I see this image it makes me smile back in admiration at the face of the woman - selling necklaces to rich tourists at the top of a hill in the boiling heat, making pennies, barely speaking a word of English with an unlit cigar hanging from her mouth... and loving every minute of it.

'Lady with Cigar'

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